Monday, September 29, 2008


Thank you John Ziegler for reminding me why our country is, the way that it is. I read David Foster Wallace's "Host", in my English 3010 class. I really liked the boxes and boxes of side notes and thoughts that make up, probably, the majority of the essay. Wallace fills the reader up with detailed descriptions of Ziegler, radio, and the crooked business behind radio corporations. Anyone can bash a conservative talk show radio host, but Wallace does it with grace!
My class was discussing the essay, and my professor asked, "How do you think Ziegler felt about Wallace's essay, when he read it?". Originally, I thought that Ziegler wouldn't of even realized that he was made into a joke. But after some more thought, I'm pretty sure Ziegler would of understood Wallace's intentions with the essay (thanks to the boxes), but would of disregarded it as he would any "liberal media".
My favorite part of this essay, was learning more about the corruption within the media.
Ex.) clear channel owns a lot of fucking radio stations. One single company controls the majority of what you will hear on the radio, ever. I want some more choices!

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